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Our Plans

  • Monthly Unlimited

    Every month
    Use this area to describe one of your services.
    • Unlimited Classes
    • Gym Access
    • Sauna Access
    • Shower Access
  • Bi-weekly Unlimited Membership

    Every 2 weeks
    Best for individuals with changing schedules
    • unlimited classes
    • gym access
    • sauna access
    • shower access
    • shorter commitment period
  • Friends and Family of 2 plan

    Every month
    Perfect for people looking to bundle up memberships
    • unlimited classes
    • gym access
    • sauna access
    • shower access
    • train with a friend
  • Friends and Family of 3 plan

    Every month
    Perfect for people looking to bundle up memberships
    • unlimited classes
    • gym access
    • sauna access
    • shower access
  • Friends and Family of 4 plan

    Every month
    Perfect for people looking to bundle up memberships
    • unlimited classes
    • gym access
    • sauna access
    • shower access
  • Friends and Family of 5 plan

    Every month
    Perfect for a large group of people looking to bundle up memberships
    • unlimited classes
    • gym access
    • sauna access
    • shower access
    • cheapest monthly plan per individual
  • 10 Class package

    Perfect for people with a crazy schedule who can only make the gym 2 or less times a week
    • 10 classes of your choice. 1 class per credit
  • Free Week Trial

    perfect to test the water outs
    Valid for 7 days
    • unlimited classes
    • gym access
    • sauna access
    • shower access
  • 1 Year Prepaid Membership

    Perfect for people looking to save money on a yearly membership. Best for the hardcore Nak Muay
    Valid for one year
    • Unlimited classes
    • gym access
    • sauna access
    • shower access
  • 6 Month Prepaid Memberhship

    Best for students looking to save money while only here for a few months
    Valid for 6 months
    • unlimited classes
    • gym access
    • sauna access
    • shower access
  • 3 Month Prepaid Memberhship

    Every 3 months
    Perfect for people looking to save money with a huge commitment
    • unlimited classes
    • gym access
    • sauna access
    • shower access
  • Muay Thai Minis

    Every month
    Membership to the kids class. Age range from 6-12 years old
    • unlimited muay mini classes
  • Imbroglio jujitsu

    Every month
    A BJJ program with a unique an effective approach. Come bring your gi and no-gi jujitsu to a new lvl
    • Gym access
    • Shower access
    • Sauna access
    • All BJJ classes
  • Buy one month get one month free

    Buy one unlimited monthly membership and receive a second month for free!
    Valid for 2 months
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